2011,Computers and much more..

Its been a while since i last posted...i know i end up writing this line in every post :P . But yes..after procrastinating for a long time...i finally made time to do this. Actually new years came in..silence..which ofcourse brought with itself loads of reflections. I restarted on the written (pen and paper) version of my diary again. Will surely share some of it later on. So new year is here...its 2011 ..which looks kind of futuristic dates..one of those star trek types.Life has changed amazingly...and at a very high speed for sure. So before i get to resolutions...some achievements...I am in IBM for last 7 months... yes thats an achievement for me.. :) ...Was awarded for good performance...got a good rating for the first year...and have been given a responsibility related to IBM WW Intranet Info architecture.. So life has been good. I even got my first vehicle...my first paper published...and recenly had my first speech as a guest speaker :D . As i heard IBM CEO's centennia...