dawn to dusk of life...

As strong Amber sunlight breaks out at dawn...I wait patiently outside the airport bidding goodbye to my parents once again. Staying away for last 7 years from parents has a feeling of a different kind...and maybe the thought never crossed my mind that time has passed by in a jiffy....thanks to the "be practical...avoid being over emotional" value your family ...being strong was always more important. Everyday as the sun rises over the horizon life takes a new meaning a new dimension. But we stay oblivious to the change...because we are focussed into our lives, focussed on being successful or winning smaller battles. Growing up is so much similar to a day...starting at dawn with little or no idea of the rest of the world... And then slowly u get to know the world with more and more knowing u reach a peak a time when u think u know the whole world... Just like the sun in noon...and then starts the evening a pleasant experience where u slowly give into the sunset of life...