I am but a piece of you...

All of us eventually expose ourselves to many realities around us. We meet people, see places and fall in situations which are new or unique to us alone. And after all we cant deny that we are monkeys, we have mirror neurons jumping in our heads wanting to reflect whatever we see. The unique thing is that we always reflect the world in our own way. We borrow from the world its behaviors and things we understand but we do so using our own unique composition that we have created over time. This starts with our very own parents. Not only are they conscious role models due to the demonstrated acts that they put up in front of us as parents to build our so called good habits. But also every action that parents do eventually ends up being something we absorb. Eventually our unique self exists, yes it very much does, but not as a standalone piece originating from us, but as an amalgamation of all those selves that we saw around us. The reason i call these reflections as other selves is b...