The day of relaxation

Monday morning made me its victim today , i didnt get up early and somewhere in my half conscious brain decided not to go to work today. i knew there was much to do and i was really needed in office today , but i also needed some rest , so i decided why not give my body a chance to rest .
The day wasnt as good as i thght it wuld be , i tried not to feel lonely , but somehow i was , some memories were twisting in my brain , some decisions i havent made were still around in my head.I needed to talk to someone today , had a strong urge to talk to someone (special) but wasnt able , my ego hampers my thgts at time .But life goes on .
It seems tommorow is another hectic day, my mailbox sez it all . But again what is life without challenges, its just tht i need to press my self harder to reach the goal , hope i am successful.
and before i end flyme2themoon's comment on my question was quiet a good one , which i didnt expect to get . Somehow i have started liking this blog thing , its fun.
I plan to sleep early today since i dont want to repeat today again tommorow.Good night world
I dont understand , i dont know
where do i stand , where i want to go
the road seems long ahead
to succeed however on it i have tread
sometimes this soul gets confused with myraid thoughts
it links itself with unsaid knots
its tough i know to pull out of it all
but tommorow ill run even if today i crawl