Back on Track

Yes and this time the track is colored blue... :) After a good struggle for 3 months sitting at home, i have successfully acquired a new job @ IBM. Cant call it an astonishing experience, but surely what was interesting to observe the way human mind works in conditions that look severe, even if it is not that bad.
My blogs from last three months can surely give anyone a decent picture of my activities during that time. But what seemed to be more exciting of what i learnt. There was lot of learning, from unknown topics to indulging into self introspection and learning the goods and bads of self.
But surely all this is realized only after u get out of the situation.
What amazes me is the capacity of human mind to create virtual emotional conditions which may or may not exist in real. In one way i see it like an emergency mechanism to protect self and its identity.
So here i am, a new begining, in a mammoth organization that has existed since last 100 years.
I will be in the team, working with stalwarts who have been there done that.
Its like getting back to school, lots to learn. I also see it as a full circle, I started my steps into Design via web design, and here i am working for one of the biggest websites on the planet.
It took me some time to realize...but this realization sounds sweet and makes logical sense at the same time. Perhaps this was the long lost destiny i searched for long...
Bengaluru ( Bangalore) is an amazing city, and the feeling is very different from last time when i was here. I am more free, aware and confident. I love the clouds here...they give you a different feeling..(Check out the snap). No poetic lines today...but ill just write down a few lines from a song from the film Udaan.
चल जीत जीत लहराजा परचम तू लाल फेहरा जा
अब कर जा तू या मर जा करले तयारी
उद्जा बनके धुप का पंची चुरा के गहरी छाओं अँधेरी छाओं अँधेरी
तिनका तिनका जूदले सासे क्यूँ हांफती सी नाव है तेरी...