That place called Home...
Home is where u long to come.
Home is where u sing a song to come.
Home is where u belong to come.
Home is where u feel strong to come...
Its a place which most of us take for granted...but when we leave it..we realize the importance of it...
In last 5 years...ever since I left mumbai for NID...I must have changed around 5+ houses...
Calling new places as not easy...especially when u are attached to a populous mega city called MUMBAI.

So finally after shifting to bangalore, I have called another place Home.
By now the basic list of setting up a home is in the back of my mind. But everytime i do it...there is a distinct excitement and a unique sense of freedom, which can be compared to none. I may not have reached the level of buying a new house but again...the partial ownership is no lesser.
So here I am, another beginning...dunno where this path takes me now...But yeah...the spirits are high and the drive is long...and I know...there is a destination..somewhere behind the clouds..
Home is where u sing a song to come.
Home is where u belong to come.
Home is where u feel strong to come...
Its a place which most of us take for granted...but when we leave it..we realize the importance of it...
Bangalore (HAL Main Gate)
Bangalore-1 (Kormangala)
Bangalore (HAL Main Gate)
Bangalore-2(Rammurthy Nagar)
In last 5 years...ever since I left mumbai for NID...I must have changed around 5+ houses...
Calling new places as not easy...especially when u are attached to a populous mega city called MUMBAI.

So finally after shifting to bangalore, I have called another place Home.
By now the basic list of setting up a home is in the back of my mind. But everytime i do it...there is a distinct excitement and a unique sense of freedom, which can be compared to none. I may not have reached the level of buying a new house but again...the partial ownership is no lesser.
So here I am, another beginning...dunno where this path takes me now...But yeah...the spirits are high and the drive is long...and I know...there is a destination..somewhere behind the clouds..
Shifting "home" is great - take that from a nomad - as it lets you recreate a new space around you. actually, one should document the layouts of our homes and see how we change them over time. ;)